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Building a bravely transparent cosmetic brand

Emma Lewisham recently launched her new product, Supernatural Vitale Face Elixir, a ‘genuinely revolutionary’ natural, cosmeceutical grade ‘botox-like’ offering. The product page boasts impressive before and after pictures, seemingly straight from the clinical trial report – claiming a visible wrinkle reduction effect of 91% in 24 hours, amongst other things. Backed by impressive before-and-after images and purported clinical trial results, her product page reads like a scientific journal, adorned with graphs and technical data. If you click through her other pages, you very quickly land on her sustainability page, on which their sustainability policy is proudly out on display.

Emma Lewisham's Supernatural Vitale Elixir's Product page

But what truly distinguishes Lewisham's brand is its unwavering commitment to transparency. Since its inception in 2019, the brand has stood as a paragon of openness, notably in its sustainability efforts. Their transparency is also reflected throughout their product formulations, with White papers detailing the exhaustive research behind each product to serve as a testament to the brand's dedication to authenticity.

Yet, this radical transparency comes with its own set of risks. Exposing the intricacies of formulations may leave the brand vulnerable to scrutiny and, worse yet, imitation. With so much information available on the website, it is easy to unravel the bones of the formulation. Any good formulator can take a look at the formulation list, read the White Paper, analyse its texture, and they would be able to reverse engineer it with relatively ease.

so how does a brand protect themselves from copycats?

Patenting, while an option, offers no guarantee of protection, especially in the capricious world of cosmetics. Moreover, the exorbitant costs associated with obtaining a patent render it unattainable for many smaller brands.

The benefit of getting a patent on your formulation could bean excellent marketing exercise and will solidify your position as an industry leader. However, it will not work the other way round - a patent might be useless if your marketing is sub-par. As such, Lewisham relies on the power of community and loyalty.

spilling secrets for community and loyalty

Building community and loyalty

By fostering a community grounded in trust and shared values, brands like Lewisham's can mitigate the risk of imitation. For her, this community is built on a foundation of science, with meticulously curated content and scientific evidence readily available to her science-hungry clientele. Whilst it might not stop other companies from creating the same product, it will help build precious brand loyalty.

The community that a brand builds is unique and can never be replicated.

Her extreme approach is a telling tale of consumers’ faltering trust for the industry. With millions of claims being thrown around, certain claims have lost all meaning. Every other odd product is ‘sustainable’ and every other even is ‘anti-aging’ etc. 2024 consumers are so incredibly knowledgeable and discerning that a simple ‘clinically tested’ claim won’t do.  


technical copywriting

Good technical copywriting that is correct, properly referenced and on brand is paramount. Every word, every claim, and every data point must align seamlessly with the brand's values and commitment to authenticity. Technical copywriting serves as the bridge between complex scientific concepts and consumer understanding, translating intricate formulations and research findings into digestible and compelling narratives. A good technical writer can also avoid science-washing or using non-compliant claims. Moreover, consistent technical copywriting helps to maintain the brand's identity and ensures that every communication resonates with its target audience.


In an age where consumer skepticism runs rampant, such transparency will serve as a beacon of authenticity amidst a sea of dubious claims. It is this unwavering commitment to transparency and community-building that distinguishes brands like Emma Lewisham's, ensuring their resilience in the face of copycats and cementing their status as industry leaders.

Extra Shiny Developments can help technical copywriting for your brand.

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