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Our product design process pulls data from global beauty trends to ensure you are bringing out the best product for the market. We can help you with product line extensions, or ensuring we match the right claims to your brand ethos. This first part of the process is extremely important because this is where we can make the most impactful, sustainable decisions. We always strive to design to improve circularity where possible.

Our starter pack includes a product strategy report for you to execute.

starter pack

After we refine your product idea we match you to the right formulator and manufacturer (product and/or packaging) based on your product brief.  We manage the development, sampling, and approval process to ensure launch dates and product requirements are met. Product requirements can include IP ownership, regulatory compliance, certifications or sustainability claims. We have collected many contacts over the years to ensure you can produce your desired product.

We can also help set up the operations back-end for you to ensure your business has the processes to manage suppliers moving forward, should you decide to handle operations in-house.

operational retainer

Once the product is developed, we can start to get the cogs in motion for the manufacturing. It is at this time point where cashflow is important as the bulk of the spend sits before manufacture can happen. We can help you manage this process with your finance team to ensure you know what costs are coming up.

We can also help with costings for your products.

operational retianer

We can help with writing and conveying technical (and compliant) information to your customers to really showcase your products, including social media captions, articles or technical videos.

technical marketing retainer

We can create quick yet eye-catching stock product photography and videos to be used before or after your launch. All images on this site are ours.

marketing retainer


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Cosmetic Product photography
Bed Intentions Water Based Lube
Bed Intentions Tingle Balm
Lip Balm Doe foot Applicator
Oil Jelly Texture
Lab beaker
Doe Foot Applicator
Lab beaker
Doe Foot Applicator
Lab beaker
Cosmetic OIl
Lab beaker